Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



SSai_behaviorsThe subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_behavior instances. Handling the individual actions an AI can take like punching someone in the fucking NUTS
SSai_controllersThe subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_controllers instances. Handling the re-checking of plans.
SSai_movementThe subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_movement instances. Handling the movement of individual AI instances
SSambienceThe subsystem used to play ambience to users every now and then, makes them real excited.
SSlag_switchThe subsystem for controlling drastic performance enhancements aimed at reducing server load for a smoother albeit slightly duller gaming experience
SSmaterialsBecause we add an implicit 1 for the coordinate calcuations.
SSmouse_enteredDefers MouseEntered inputs to only apply to the most recently hovered over atom in the tick
SSmovablephysicsReal fast ticking subsystem for moving movables via modifying pixel_x/y/z
SSpoints_of_interestSubsystem for managing all POIs.
SSspeech_controllerverb_manager subsystem just for handling say's
SStguitgui subsystem
SStime_trackThe reference to the end of round sound that we have chosen.
SSverb_managerSSverb_manager, a subsystem that runs every tick and runs through its entire queue without yielding like SSinput. this exists because of how the byond tick works and where user inputted verbs are put within it.


GibberishTurn text into complete gibberish!
HeapPathWeightCompareTODO: Macro this to reduce proc overhead
REF\ref behaviour got changed in 512 so this is necesary to replicate old behaviour. If it ever becomes necesary to get a more performant REF(), this lies here in wait #define REF(thing) (thing && isdatum(thing) && (thing:datum_flags & DF_USE_TAG) && thing:tag ? "[thing:tag]" : text_ref(thing))
WEAKREFCreates a weakref to the given input. See /datum/weakref's documentation for more information.
WrapAdminProcCallWrapper for proccalls where the datum is flagged as vareditted
___TraitAddDO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.
___TraitRemoveDO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.
_addtimerCreate a new timer and insert it in the queue. You should not call this directly, and should instead use the addtimer macro, which includes source information.
_alert_dronesBroadcast a message to all drones in a faction
_auxtools_register_gasFor registering gases, do not touch this.
_queue_verbqueue a callback for the given verb/verblike proc and any given arguments to the specified verb subsystem, so that they process in the next tick. intended to only work with verbs or verblike procs called directly from client input, use as part of TRY_QUEUE_VERB() and co.
above_neckWould this zone be above the neck
active_free_borgsSilicon Mob Procs
add_keybindingAdds an instanced keybinding to the global tracker
add_verbhandles adding verbs and updating the stat panel browser
allocate_nameidMake new sequential number for this id_tag or reuse one of the free ones
anonymous_ai_nameanonymous_ai_name: generates a corporate random name (but for sillycones). used in admin event tool anonymous names
anonymous_nameanonymous_name: generates a corporate random name. used in admin event tool anonymous names
auxtools_atmos_initRegisters gases, and get reaction infos for auxmos, only call when ssair is initing.
baseturfs_string_listA wrapper for baseturf string lists, to offer support of non list values, and a stack_trace if we have major issues
bitfield_to_listConverts a bitfield to a list of numbers (or words if a wordlist is provided)
callback_selectRuns a list of callbacks asyncronously, returning only when all have finished
check_asay_linksChecks a given message to see if any of the words are something we want to treat specially, as detailed below.
check_zoneConvert a PRECISE ZONE into the BODY_ZONE
circle_range_turfsReturns a list of turfs around a center based on RANGE_TURFS()
circle_view_turfsReturns a list of turfs around a center based on view()
collect_fish_propertiesAwful workaround around initial(x.list_variable) not being a thing while trying to keep some semblance of being structured
color_to_full_rgba_matrixConverts RGB shorthands into RGBA matrices complete of constants rows (ergo a 20 keys list in byond).
colorize_stringGets a color for a name, will return the same color for a given string consistently within a round.atom
completed_bounty_countSubtype Gens
considered_exiledExiled check
cultslurMakes you talk like you got cult stunned, which is slurring but with some dark messages
deallocate_nameidFree the previously used sequential number for vent/scrubber so it can be used again
debug_variableGet displayed variable in VV variable list
delete_all_SS_and_recreate_masterDelete all existing SS to basically start over
deltimerDelete a timer
derpspeechConvert a message to derpy speak
emissive_appearanceProduces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EMISSIVE_COLOR.
emissive_blockerProduces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EM_BLOCK_COLOR.
equalize_all_gases_in_listArgs: (list). Takes every gas in the list and makes them all identical, scaled to their respective volumes. The total heat and amount of substance in all of the combined gases is conserved.
expand_weightsTakes a weighted list (see above) and expands it into raw entries This eats more memory, but saves time when actually picking from it
fill_with_onesGiven a list, return a copy where values without defined weights are given weight 1. For example, fill_with_ones(list(A, B=2, C)) = list(A=1, B=2, C=1) Useful for weighted random choices (loot tables, syllables in languages, etc.)
finalize_gas_refsFor updating reagent gas fire products, do not use for now.
find_recordReturns datum/data/record
findnameFind if the message has the real name of any user mob in the mob_list
flop_animationThis animation should be applied to actual parent atom instead of vc_object.
generate_and_hash_rsc_filegenerates a filename for a given asset. like generate_asset_name(), except returns the rsc reference and the rsc file hash as well as the asset name (sans extension) used so that certain asset files dont have to be hashed twice
generate_asset_nameGenerate a filename for this asset The same asset will always lead to the same asset name (Generated names do not include file extention.)
generate_autowiki_outputWhen the AUTOWIKI define is enabled, will generate an output file for tools/autowiki/autowiki.js to consume. Autowiki code intentionally still exists even without the define, to ensure developers notice when they break it immediately, rather than until CI or worse, call time. Returns a string of the autowiki output file
generate_bitfieldsTurns /datum/bitfield subtypes into a list for use in debugging
generate_icon_alpha_maskHelper proc to generate a cutout alpha mask out of an icon.
generate_selectable_speciesGenerates species available to choose in character setup at roundstart
getFlatIconCreate a single /icon from a given /atom or /image.
get_active_player_countGet active players who are playing in the round
get_adjacent_open_turfsReturns a list with all the adjacent open turfs.
get_allowed_instrument_idsGet all non admin_only instruments as a list of text ids.
get_angleCalculate the angle between two movables and the west|east coordinate
get_angle_rawAngle between two arbitrary points and horizontal line same as /proc/get_angle
get_area_turfsReturns a list of all turfs in the provided area instance.
get_areatype_turfsReturns a list of all turfs in ALL areas of that type in the world.
get_bbox_of_atomsGet a bounding box of a list of atoms.
get_hearers_in_viewReturns a list of hearers in view(view_radius) from source (ignoring luminosity). recursively checks contents for hearers
get_icon_dmi_pathgiven an icon object, dmi file path, or atom/image/mutable_appearance, attempts to find and return an associated dmi file path. a weird quirk about dm is that /icon objects represent both compile-time or dynamic icons in the rsc, but stringifying rsc references returns a dmi file path ONLY if that icon represents a completely unchanged dmi file from when the game was compiled. so if the given object is associated with an icon that was in the rsc when the game was compiled, this returns a path. otherwise it returns ""
get_nested_locsReturns a list of all locations (except the area) the movable is within.
get_number_decalReturns a subtype of /obj/effect/turf_decal/number according to the arguments num and shift_mode.
get_path_by_slotReturns a generic path of the object based on the slot
get_path_toThis file contains the stuff you need for using JPS (Jump Point Search) pathing, an alternative to A* that skips over large numbers of uninteresting tiles resulting in much quicker pathfinding solutions. Mind that diagonals cost the same as cardinal moves currently, so paths may look a bit strange, but should still be optimal.
get_powernet_info_from_sourceExtracts the powernet and cell of the provided power source
get_ranged_target_turf_directGet ranged target turf, but with direct targets as opposed to directions
get_temp_change_amountUsed to get the amount of change between two body temperatures
getleftblocksDNA HELPER-PROCS
give_admin_popupTries to give the target an admin popup. If it fails, will send the error to the passed admin.
goonchem_vortexSimulates a vortex that moves nearby movable atoms towards or away from the turf T. Range also determines the strength of the effect. High values cause nearby objects to be thrown.
greatest_common_factorTakes a list of numbers as input, returns the highest value that is cleanly divides them all Note: this implementation is expensive as heck for large numbers, I only use it because most of my usecase Is < 10 ints
icon2base64Converts an icon to base64. Operates by putting the icon in the iconCache savefile, exporting it as text, and then parsing the base64 from that. (This relies on byond automatically storing icons in savefiles as base64)
icon2htmlthe dmi file path we attempt to return if the given object argument is associated with a stringifiable icon if successful, this looks like "icons/path/to/dmi_file.dmi" but they pass both isicon() and isfile() checks. theyre the easiest case since stringifying them gives us the path we want generate an asset for the given icon or the icon of the given appearance for [thing], and send it to any clients in target. Arguments:
init_fishing_configurationsThese are shared between their spots
init_keybindingsCreates and sorts all the keybinding datums
isAdminGhostAIIs the passed in mob an admin ghost WITH AI INTERACT enabled
isAdminObserverIs the passed in mob a ghost with admin powers, doesn't check for AI interact like isAdminGhost() used to
is_ctf_targethey uhhh don't hit anyone behind them
is_special_characterIs this mob special to the gamemode?
is_type_in_listChecks for specific types in a list.
is_valid_dmi_filegiven a text string, returns whether it is a valid dmi icons folder path
is_valid_srcCheck if a datum has not been deleted and is a valid source
iso_timestampReturns the time in an ISO-8601 friendly format. Used when dumping data into external services such as ElasticSearch
item_heal_roboticHeal a robotic body part on a mob
json_deserialize_datumConvert a list of json to datum
json_serialize_datumConvert a datum into a json blob
lizard_nameNAMEOF that actually works in static definitions because src::type requires src to be defined
load_mapShortcut function to parse a map and apply it to the world.
load_poll_dataLoads all current and future server polls and their options to store both as datums.
log_combatLog a combat message in the attack log
log_directed_talkHelper for logging of messages with only one sender and receiver
log_tguiAppends a tgui-related log entry. All arguments are optional.
make_datum_references_listsInitial Building
md5asfileSave file as an external file then md5 it. Used because md5ing files stored in the rsc sometimes gives incorrect md5 results.
md5filepathReturns the md5 of a file at a given path.
message_centcomUsed by communications consoles to message CentCom
message_syndicateUsed by communications consoles to message the Syndicate
message_to_htmlMessage-related procs
movespeed_data_null_checkChecks if a move speed modifier is valid and not missing any data
noticenot an error or a warning, but worth to mention on the world log, just in case.
notify_ghostsFancy notifications for ghosts
nuke_requestUsed by communications consoles to request the nuclear launch codes
offer_controlOffer control of the passed in mob to dead player
pick_n_takePick a random element from the list and remove it from the list.
pick_weightPicks a random element from a list based on a weighting system:
pick_weight_allow_zeroPicks a random element from a list based on a weighting system. For example, given the following list: A = 6, B = 3, C = 1, D = 0 A would have a 60% chance of being picked, B would have a 30% chance of being picked, C would have a 10% chance of being picked, and D would have a 0% chance of being picked. You should only pass integers in.
pick_weight_recursiveLike pick_weight, but allowing for nested lists.
populate_editable_sign_typesThis proc populates GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(editable_sign_types)
populate_gear_listCreate a list of gear datums to sort
portalAnnounceShould point to a central mapzone.weather_controller, one doesn't exist in shiptest
process_atmos_callbacksArgs: (ms). Runs callbacks until time limit is reached. If time limit is omitted, runs all callbacks.
process_teleport_locsGenerate a list of turfs you can teleport to from the areas list
propagate_networkremove the old powernet and replace it with a new one throughout the network.
qdelShould be treated as a replacement for the 'del' keyword.
ran_zoneReturn the zone or randomly, another valid zone
random_fish_typeReturns random fish, using random_case_rarity probabilities.
recover_all_SS_and_recreate_masterRecreate all SSs which will still cause data survive due to Recover(), the new Master will then find and take them from global.vars
remove_image_from_clientRemoves an image from a client's .images. Useful as a callback.
remove_verbhandles removing verb and sending it to browser to update, use this for removing verbs
return_generator_argsreturns the arguments given to a generator and manually extracts them from the internal byond object returns:
rustg_get_versionGets the version of rust_g
rustg_unix_timestampReturns the timestamp as a string
sanitize_css_class_nameRemoves all non-alphanumerics from the text, keep in mind this can lead to id conflicts
sanitize_namereturns nothing with an alert instead of the message if it contains something in the ic filter, and sanitizes normally if the name is fine. It returns nothing so it backs out of the input the same way as if you had entered nothing.
scramble_message_replace_charsSlightly expensive proc to scramble a message using equal probabilities of character replacement from a list. DOES NOT SUPPORT HTML!
seedifyFinds and extracts seeds from an object
send2adminchatSends a message to TGS admin chat channels.
send2chatSends a message to TGS chat channels.
send2otherserverSends a message to a set of cross-communications-enabled servers using world topic calls
setup_mod_themesGlobal proc that sets up all MOD themes as singletons in a list and returns it.
shake_cameraShake the camera of the person viewing the mob SO REAL!
should_have_space_before_emoteReturns a boolean based on whether or not the string contains a comma or an apostrophe, to be used for emotes to decide whether or not to have a space between the name of the user and the emote.
slurMakes you speak like you're drunk
starsConvert random parts of a passed in message to stars
string_listCaches lists with non-numeric stringify-able values (text or typepath).
stutterAdds stuttering to the message passed in
techweb_item_boost_checkReturns an associative list of techweb node datums with values of the boost it gives. var/list/returned = list()
tgalertDEPRECATED: USE tgui_alert(...) INSTEAD
tgui_TopicMiddleware for /client/Topic.
tgui_alertCreates a TGUI alert window and returns the user's response.
tgui_alert_asyncCreates an asynchronous TGUI alert window with an associated callback.
tgui_input_listCreates a TGUI input list window and returns the user's response.
tgui_input_list_asyncCreates an asynchronous TGUI input list window with an associated callback.
timeleftGet the remaining deciseconds on a timer
to_chatSends the message to the recipient (target).
to_chat_immediateCircumvents the message queue and sends the message to the recipient (target) as soon as possible.
truncateTruncate a string to the given length
turf_peelBehaves like the orange() proc, but only looks in the outer range of the function (The "peel" of the orange). Credit to ArcaneMusic for this one
ui_status_silicon_has_accessReturns a UI status such that silicons will be able to interact with whatever they would have access to if this was a machine. For example, AIs can interact if there's cameras with wireless control is enabled.
ui_status_user_has_free_handsReturns a UI status such that those without blocked hands will be able to interact, but everyone else can only watch.
ui_status_user_is_abledReturns a UI status such that users with debilitating conditions, such as being dead or not having power for silicons, will not be able to interact. Being dead will disable UI, being incapacitated will continue updating it, and anything else will make it interactive.
ui_status_user_is_conscious_and_lying_downReturns UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is conscious and lying down. Returns UI_UPDATE otherwise.
ui_status_user_strictly_adjacentReturn UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is strictly adjacent to the target atom, whether they can see it or not. Return UI_CLOSE otherwise.
url2htmlloaderReturn html to load a url. for use inside of browse() calls to html assets that might be loaded on a cdn.
valid_window_locationChecks whether the target turf is in a valid state to accept a directional window or other directional pseudo-dense object such as railings.
voice_of_godVOICE OF GOD
warningPrint a warning message to world.log

Var Details



Designed to properly split up a given tick among subsystems Note: if you read parts of this code and think "why is it doing it that way" Odds are, there is a reason



Pretty much pokes the MC to make sure it's still alive.


The subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_behavior instances. Handling the individual actions an AI can take like punching someone in the fucking NUTS


The subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_controllers instances. Handling the re-checking of plans.


The subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_movement instances. Handling the movement of individual AI instances


The subsystem used to play ambience to users every now and then, makes them real excited.


Discord Subsystem

This subsystem handles some integrations with discord


  1. The file is loaded and the discord IDs are extracted
  2. A ping is sent to the discord with the IDs of people who wished to be notified
  3. The file is emptied
  1. Someone usees the notify verb, it adds their discord ID to the list.
  2. On fire, it will write that to the disk, as long as conditions above are correct
  1. The file is force-saved, incase it hasn't fired at end round

This is an absolute clusterfuck, but its my clusterfuck -aa07


The subsystem for controlling drastic performance enhancements aimed at reducing server load for a smoother albeit slightly duller gaming experience


Because we add an implicit 1 for the coordinate calcuations.


Defers MouseEntered inputs to only apply to the most recently hovered over atom in the tick


Real fast ticking subsystem for moving movables via modifying pixel_x/y/z


Subsystem for managing all POIs.


Runechat Subsystem

Maintains a timer-like system to handle destruction of runechat messages. Much of this code is modeled after or adapted from the timer subsystem.

Note that this has the same structure for storing and queueing messages as the timer subsystem does for handling timers: the bucket_list is a list of chatmessage datums, each of which are the head of a circularly linked list. Any given index in bucket_list could be null, representing an empty bucket.


verb_manager subsystem just for handling say's


tgui subsystem

Contains all tgui state and subsystem code.


The reference to the end of round sound that we have chosen.


Timer Subsystem

Handles creation, callbacks, and destruction of timed events.

It is important to understand the buckets used in the timer subsystem are just a series of doubly-linked lists. The object at a given index in bucket_list is a /datum/timedevent, the head of a list, which has prev and next references for the respective elements in that bucket's list.


SSverb_manager, a subsystem that runs every tick and runs through its entire queue without yielding like SSinput. this exists because of how the byond tick works and where user inputted verbs are put within it.

see for more info on how the byond tick is structured.

The way the MC allots its time is via TICK_LIMIT_RUNNING, it simply subtracts the cost of SendMaps (MAPTICK_LAST_INTERNAL_TICK_USAGE) plus TICK_BYOND_RESERVE from the tick and uses up to that amount of time (minus the percentage of the tick used by the time it executes subsystems) on subsystems running cool things like atmospherics or Life or SSInput or whatever.

Without this subsystem, verbs are likely to cause overtime if the MC uses all of the time it has alloted for itself in the tick, and SendMaps uses as much as its expected to, and an expensive verb ends up executing that tick. This is because the MC is completely blind to the cost of verbs, it can't account for it at all. The only chance for verbs to not cause overtime in a tick where the MC used as much of the tick as it alloted itself and where SendMaps costed as much as it was expected to is if the verb(s) take less than TICK_BYOND_RESERVE percent of the tick, which isnt much. Not to mention if SendMaps takes more than 30% of the tick and the MC forces itself to take at least 70% of the normal tick duration which causes ticks to naturally overrun even in the absence of verbs.

With this subsystem, the MC can account for the cost of verbs and thus stop major overruns of ticks. This means that the most important subsystems like SSinput can start at the same time they were supposed to, leading to a smoother experience for the player since ticks arent riddled with minor hangs over and over again.

Proc Details


Turn text into complete gibberish!

text is the inputted message, replace_characters will cause original letters to be replaced and chance are the odds that a character gets modified.


TODO: Macro this to reduce proc overhead


\ref behaviour got changed in 512 so this is necesary to replicate old behaviour. If it ever becomes necesary to get a more performant REF(), this lies here in wait #define REF(thing) (thing && isdatum(thing) && (thing:datum_flags & DF_USE_TAG) && thing:tag ? "[thing:tag]" : text_ref(thing))


Creates a weakref to the given input. See /datum/weakref's documentation for more information.


Wrapper for proccalls where the datum is flagged as vareditted


DO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.


DO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.


Create a new timer and insert it in the queue. You should not call this directly, and should instead use the addtimer macro, which includes source information.



Broadcast a message to all drones in a faction



For registering gases, do not touch this.


queue a callback for the given verb/verblike proc and any given arguments to the specified verb subsystem, so that they process in the next tick. intended to only work with verbs or verblike procs called directly from client input, use as part of TRY_QUEUE_VERB() and co.

returns TRUE if the queuing was successful, FALSE otherwise.


Would this zone be above the neck


Silicon Mob Procs


Adds an instanced keybinding to the global tracker


handles adding verbs and updating the stat panel browser

pass the verb type path to this instead of adding it directly to verbs so the statpanel can update Arguments:


Make new sequential number for this id_tag or reuse one of the free ones


anonymous_ai_name: generates a corporate random name (but for sillycones). used in admin event tool anonymous names

first letter is always a letter Example name = "Employee Assistant Assuming Delta" Arguments:


anonymous_name: generates a corporate random name. used in admin event tool anonymous names

first letter is always a letter Example name = "Employee Q5460Z" Arguments:


Registers gases, and get reaction infos for auxmos, only call when ssair is initing.


A wrapper for baseturf string lists, to offer support of non list values, and a stack_trace if we have major issues


Converts a bitfield to a list of numbers (or words if a wordlist is provided)


Runs a list of callbacks asyncronously, returning only when all have finished

Callbacks can be repeated, to call it multiple times


Checks a given message to see if any of the words are something we want to treat specially, as detailed below.

There are 3 cases where a word is something we want to act on

  1. Admin pings, like @adminckey. Pings the admin in question, text is not clickable
  2. Datum refs, like @0x2001169 or @mob_23. Clicking on the link opens up the VV for that datum
  3. Ticket refs, like #3. Displays the status and ahelper in the link, clicking on it brings up the ticket panel for it. Returns a list being used as a tuple. Index ASAY_LINK_NEW_MESSAGE_INDEX contains the new message text (with clickable links and such) while index ASAY_LINK_PINGED_ADMINS_INDEX contains a list of pinged admin clients, if there are any.



Convert a PRECISE ZONE into the BODY_ZONE


Returns a list of turfs around a center based on RANGE_TURFS()


Returns a list of turfs around a center based on view()


Awful workaround around initial(x.list_variable) not being a thing while trying to keep some semblance of being structured


Converts RGB shorthands into RGBA matrices complete of constants rows (ergo a 20 keys list in byond).


Gets a color for a name, will return the same color for a given string consistently within a round.atom

Note that this proc aims to produce pastel-ish colors using the HSL colorspace. These seem to be favorable for displaying on the map.



Subtype Gens

Strict Type Gens

Dynamic Gens

Cutoff for Non-Low Priority Bounties

Low Priority Gens


Exiled check

Checks if the current body of the mind has an exile implant and is currently in an away mission. Returns FALSE if any of those conditions aren't met.


Makes you talk like you got cult stunned, which is slurring but with some dark messages


Free the previously used sequential number for vent/scrubber so it can be used again


Get displayed variable in VV variable list


Delete all existing SS to basically start over


Delete a timer



Convert a message to derpy speak


Produces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EMISSIVE_COLOR.


Produces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EM_BLOCK_COLOR.


Args: (list). Takes every gas in the list and makes them all identical, scaled to their respective volumes. The total heat and amount of substance in all of the combined gases is conserved.


Takes a weighted list (see above) and expands it into raw entries This eats more memory, but saves time when actually picking from it


Given a list, return a copy where values without defined weights are given weight 1. For example, fill_with_ones(list(A, B=2, C)) = list(A=1, B=2, C=1) Useful for weighted random choices (loot tables, syllables in languages, etc.)


For updating reagent gas fire products, do not use for now.


Returns datum/data/record


Find if the message has the real name of any user mob in the mob_list


This animation should be applied to actual parent atom instead of vc_object.


generates a filename for a given asset. like generate_asset_name(), except returns the rsc reference and the rsc file hash as well as the asset name (sans extension) used so that certain asset files dont have to be hashed twice


Generate a filename for this asset The same asset will always lead to the same asset name (Generated names do not include file extention.)


When the AUTOWIKI define is enabled, will generate an output file for tools/autowiki/autowiki.js to consume. Autowiki code intentionally still exists even without the define, to ensure developers notice when they break it immediately, rather than until CI or worse, call time. Returns a string of the autowiki output file


Turns /datum/bitfield subtypes into a list for use in debugging


Helper proc to generate a cutout alpha mask out of an icon.

Why is it a helper if it's so simple?

Because BYOND's documentation is hot garbage and I don't trust anyone to actually figure this out on their own without sinking countless hours into it. Yes, it's that simple, now enjoy.

But why not use filters?

Filters do not allow for masks that are not the exact same on every dir. An example of a need for that can be found in [/proc/generate_left_leg_mask()].


Returns an /icon that is the alpha mask of the provided icon and icon_state.


Generates species available to choose in character setup at roundstart

This proc generates which species are available to pick from in character setup. If there are no available roundstart species, defaults to human.


Create a single /icon from a given /atom or /image.

Very low-performance. Should usually only be used for HTML, where BYOND's appearance system (overlays/underlays, etc.) is not available.

Only the first argument is required.


Get active players who are playing in the round


Returns a list with all the adjacent open turfs.


Get all non admin_only instruments as a list of text ids.


Calculate the angle between two movables and the west|east coordinate


Angle between two arbitrary points and horizontal line same as /proc/get_angle


Returns a list of all turfs in the provided area instance.



Returns a list of all turfs in ALL areas of that type in the world.



Get a bounding box of a list of atoms.


Returns: list(x1, y1, x2, y2)




Returns a list of hearers in view(view_radius) from source (ignoring luminosity). recursively checks contents for hearers


given an icon object, dmi file path, or atom/image/mutable_appearance, attempts to find and return an associated dmi file path. a weird quirk about dm is that /icon objects represent both compile-time or dynamic icons in the rsc, but stringifying rsc references returns a dmi file path ONLY if that icon represents a completely unchanged dmi file from when the game was compiled. so if the given object is associated with an icon that was in the rsc when the game was compiled, this returns a path. otherwise it returns ""


Returns a list of all locations (except the area) the movable is within.


Returns a subtype of /obj/effect/turf_decal/number according to the arguments num and shift_mode.

num - must be an integer in [0, 9] and determines the number displayed by the returned decal type. shift_mode - must be NONE, EAST, or WEST:


Returns a generic path of the object based on the slot


This file contains the stuff you need for using JPS (Jump Point Search) pathing, an alternative to A* that skips over large numbers of uninteresting tiles resulting in much quicker pathfinding solutions. Mind that diagonals cost the same as cardinal moves currently, so paths may look a bit strange, but should still be optimal.

This is the proc you use whenever you want to have pathfinding more complex than "try stepping towards the thing"



Extracts the powernet and cell of the provided power source


Get ranged target turf, but with direct targets as opposed to directions

Starts at atom A and gets the exact angle between A and target Moves from A with that angle, Range amount of times, until it stops, bound to map size Arguments:


Used to get the amount of change between two body temperatures

When passed the difference between two temperatures returns the amount of change to temperature to apply. The change rate should be kept at a low value tween 0.16 and 0.02 for optimal results. vars:




Tries to give the target an admin popup. If it fails, will send the error to the passed admin.


Simulates a vortex that moves nearby movable atoms towards or away from the turf T. Range also determines the strength of the effect. High values cause nearby objects to be thrown.


Takes a list of numbers as input, returns the highest value that is cleanly divides them all Note: this implementation is expensive as heck for large numbers, I only use it because most of my usecase Is < 10 ints


Converts an icon to base64. Operates by putting the icon in the iconCache savefile, exporting it as text, and then parsing the base64 from that. (This relies on byond automatically storing icons in savefiles as base64)


the dmi file path we attempt to return if the given object argument is associated with a stringifiable icon if successful, this looks like "icons/path/to/dmi_file.dmi" but they pass both isicon() and isfile() checks. theyre the easiest case since stringifying them gives us the path we want generate an asset for the given icon or the icon of the given appearance for [thing], and send it to any clients in target. Arguments:


These are shared between their spots


Creates and sorts all the keybinding datums


Is the passed in mob an admin ghost WITH AI INTERACT enabled


Is the passed in mob a ghost with admin powers, doesn't check for AI interact like isAdminGhost() used to


hey uhhh don't hit anyone behind them


Is this mob special to the gamemode?

returns 1 for special characters and 2 for heroes of gamemode


Checks for specific types in a list.

If using zebra mode the list should be an assoc list with truthy/falsey values. The check short circuits so earlier entries in the input list will take priority. Ergo, subtypes should come before parent types. Notice that this is the opposite priority of [/proc/typecacheof].



given a text string, returns whether it is a valid dmi icons folder path


Check if a datum has not been deleted and is a valid source


Returns the time in an ISO-8601 friendly format. Used when dumping data into external services such as ElasticSearch


Heal a robotic body part on a mob


Convert a list of json to datum


Convert a datum into a json blob


NAMEOF that actually works in static definitions because src::type requires src to be defined


Shortcut function to parse a map and apply it to the world.


Loads all current and future server polls and their options to store both as datums.


Log a combat message in the attack log



Helper for logging of messages with only one sender and receiver


Appends a tgui-related log entry. All arguments are optional.


Initial Building


Save file as an external file then md5 it. Used because md5ing files stored in the rsc sometimes gives incorrect md5 results.


Returns the md5 of a file at a given path.


Used by communications consoles to message CentCom


Used by communications consoles to message the Syndicate


Message-related procs

Message format (/list):

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Checks if a move speed modifier is valid and not missing any data


not an error or a warning, but worth to mention on the world log, just in case.


Fancy notifications for ghosts

The kitchen sink of notification procs



Used by communications consoles to request the nuclear launch codes


Offer control of the passed in mob to dead player

Automatic logging and uses pollCandidatesForMob, how convenient


Pick a random element from the list and remove it from the list.


Picks a random element from a list based on a weighting system:

  1. Adds up the total of weights for each element
  2. Gets a number between 1 and that total
  3. For each element in the list, subtracts its weighting from that number
  4. If that makes the number 0 or less, return that element. Will output null sometimes if you use decimals (e.g. 0.1 instead of 10) as rand() uses integers, not floats


Picks a random element from a list based on a weighting system. For example, given the following list: A = 6, B = 3, C = 1, D = 0 A would have a 60% chance of being picked, B would have a 30% chance of being picked, C would have a 10% chance of being picked, and D would have a 0% chance of being picked. You should only pass integers in.


Like pick_weight, but allowing for nested lists.

For example, given the following list: list(A = 1, list(B = 1, C = 1)) A would have a 50% chance of being picked, and list(B, C) would have a 50% chance of being picked. If list(B, C) was picked, B and C would then each have a 50% chance of being picked. So the final probabilities would be 50% for A, 25% for B, and 25% for C.

Weights should be integers. Entries without weights are assigned weight 1 (so unweighted lists can be used as well)


This proc populates GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(editable_sign_types)

The first time a pen is used on any sign, this populates GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(editable_sign_types), creating a global list of all the signs that you can set a sign backing to with a pen.


Create a list of gear datums to sort


Should point to a central mapzone.weather_controller, one doesn't exist in shiptest


Args: (ms). Runs callbacks until time limit is reached. If time limit is omitted, runs all callbacks.


Generate a list of turfs you can teleport to from the areas list

Includes areas if they're not a shuttle or not not teleport or have no contents

The chosen turf is the first item in the areas contents that is a station level

The returned list of turfs is sorted by name


remove the old powernet and replace it with a new one throughout the network.


Should be treated as a replacement for the 'del' keyword.

Datums passed to this will be given a chance to clean up references to allow the GC to collect them.


Return the zone or randomly, another valid zone

probability controls the chance it chooses the passed in zone, or another random zone defaults to 80


Returns random fish, using random_case_rarity probabilities.


Recreate all SSs which will still cause data survive due to Recover(), the new Master will then find and take them from global.vars



Removes an image from a client's .images. Useful as a callback.


handles removing verb and sending it to browser to update, use this for removing verbs

pass the verb type path to this instead of removing it from verbs so the statpanel can update Arguments:


returns the arguments given to a generator and manually extracts them from the internal byond object returns:


Gets the version of rust_g


Returns the timestamp as a string


Removes all non-alphanumerics from the text, keep in mind this can lead to id conflicts


returns nothing with an alert instead of the message if it contains something in the ic filter, and sanitizes normally if the name is fine. It returns nothing so it backs out of the input the same way as if you had entered nothing.


Slightly expensive proc to scramble a message using equal probabilities of character replacement from a list. DOES NOT SUPPORT HTML!


Finds and extracts seeds from an object

Checks if the object is such that creates a seed when extracted. Used by seed extractors or posably anything that would create seeds in some way. The seeds are dropped either at the extractor, if it exists, or where the original object was and it qdel's the object



Sends a message to TGS admin chat channels.

category - The category of the mssage. message - The message to send.


Sends a message to TGS chat channels.

message - The message to send. channel_tag - Required. If "", the message with be sent to all connected (Game-type for TGS3) channels. Otherwise, it will be sent to TGS4 channels with that tag (Delimited by ','s).


Sends a message to a set of cross-communications-enabled servers using world topic calls



Global proc that sets up all MOD themes as singletons in a list and returns it.


Shake the camera of the person viewing the mob SO REAL!


Returns a boolean based on whether or not the string contains a comma or an apostrophe, to be used for emotes to decide whether or not to have a space between the name of the user and the emote.

Requires the message to be HTML decoded beforehand. Not doing it here for performance reasons.

Returns TRUE if there should be a space, FALSE if there shouldn't.


Makes you speak like you're drunk


Convert random parts of a passed in message to stars

This proc is dangerously laggy, avoid it or die


Caches lists with non-numeric stringify-able values (text or typepath).


Adds stuttering to the message passed in


Returns an associative list of techweb node datums with values of the boost it gives. var/list/returned = list()



Designed as a drop in replacement for alert(); functions the same. (outside of needing User specified) Arguments:


Middleware for /client/Topic.

return bool If TRUE, prevents propagation of the topic call.


Creates a TGUI alert window and returns the user's response.

This proc should be used to create alerts that the caller will wait for a response from. Arguments:


Creates an asynchronous TGUI alert window with an associated callback.

This proc should be used to create alerts that invoke a callback with the user's chosen option. Arguments:


Creates a TGUI input list window and returns the user's response.

This proc should be used to create alerts that the caller will wait for a response from. Arguments:


Creates an asynchronous TGUI input list window with an associated callback.

This proc should be used to create inputs that invoke a callback with the user's chosen option. Arguments:


Get the remaining deciseconds on a timer



Sends the message to the recipient (target).

Recommended way to write to_chat calls:

    html = "You have found <strong>[object]</strong>")


Circumvents the message queue and sends the message to the recipient (target) as soon as possible.


Truncate a string to the given length

Will only truncate if the string is larger than the length and ignores unicode concerns

This exists soley because trim does other stuff too.



Behaves like the orange() proc, but only looks in the outer range of the function (The "peel" of the orange). Credit to ArcaneMusic for this one


Returns a UI status such that silicons will be able to interact with whatever they would have access to if this was a machine. For example, AIs can interact if there's cameras with wireless control is enabled.


Returns a UI status such that those without blocked hands will be able to interact, but everyone else can only watch.


Returns a UI status such that users with debilitating conditions, such as being dead or not having power for silicons, will not be able to interact. Being dead will disable UI, being incapacitated will continue updating it, and anything else will make it interactive.


Returns UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is conscious and lying down. Returns UI_UPDATE otherwise.


Return UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is strictly adjacent to the target atom, whether they can see it or not. Return UI_CLOSE otherwise.


Return html to load a url. for use inside of browse() calls to html assets that might be loaded on a cdn.


Checks whether the target turf is in a valid state to accept a directional window or other directional pseudo-dense object such as railings.

Returns FALSE if the target turf cannot accept a directional window or railing. Returns TRUE otherwise.





Print a warning message to world.log