Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



directional_opacityWhich directions does this turf block the vision of, taking into account both the turf's opacity and the movable opacity_sources.
dynamic_lumcountLumcount added by sources other than lighting datum objects, such as the overlay lighting component.
fixed_underlayIcon-smoothing variable to map a diagonal wall corner with a fixed underlay.
initial_temperatureHow hot the turf is, in kelvin
lighting_corner_NELighting Corner datums.
lighting_objectOur lighting object.
opacity_sourcesLazylist of movable atoms providing opacity sources.
rad_fullblockerIf TRUE, radiation waves will qdelete if they step forwards into this turf, and stop propagating sideways if they encounter it. Used to stop radiation from travelling across virtual z-levels such as transit zones and planetary encounters.
smooth_underlayThe underlay generated and applied when a chisel makes a turf diagonal. Stored here for removal on un-diagonalizing
to_be_destroyedUsed for fire, if a melting temperature was reached, it will be destroyed


InitializeTurf Initialize
LinkBlockedWithAccessFor seeing if we can actually move between 2 given turfs while accounting for our access and the caller's pass_flags
__update_auxtools_turf_adjacency_infoUpdates adjacency infos for turfs, only use this in immediateupdateturfs.
add_opacity_sourceProc to add movable sources of opacity on the turf and let it handle lighting code.
clear_signal_refsWARNING WARNING Turfs DO NOT lose their signals when they get replaced, REMEMBER THIS It's possible because turfs are fucked, and if you have one in a list and it's replaced with another one, the list ref points to the new turf We do it because moving signals over was needlessly expensive, and bloated a very commonly used bit of code
expose_reagentsHandles exposing a turf to reagents.
fromShuttleMoveBase procs
is_blocked_turfCheck whether the specified turf is blocked by something dense inside it with respect to a specific atom.
reachableAdjacentTurfsReturns adjacent turfs to this turf that are reachable, in all cardinal directions
recalculate_directional_opacityCalculate on which directions this turfs block view.
remove_opacity_sourceProc to remove movable sources of opacity on the turf and let it handle lighting code.
update_air_refReturns: null. Updates turf air infos, whether the turf is closed, is space or a regular turf, or even a planet turf is decided here.
washCalled when this turf is being washed. Washing a turf will also wash any mopable floor decals

Var Details


Which directions does this turf block the vision of, taking into account both the turf's opacity and the movable opacity_sources.


Lumcount added by sources other than lighting datum objects, such as the overlay lighting component.


Icon-smoothing variable to map a diagonal wall corner with a fixed underlay.


How hot the turf is, in kelvin


Lighting Corner datums.


Our lighting object.


Lazylist of movable atoms providing opacity sources.


If TRUE, radiation waves will qdelete if they step forwards into this turf, and stop propagating sideways if they encounter it. Used to stop radiation from travelling across virtual z-levels such as transit zones and planetary encounters.


The underlay generated and applied when a chisel makes a turf diagonal. Stored here for removal on un-diagonalizing


Used for fire, if a melting temperature was reached, it will be destroyed

Proc Details


Turf Initialize

Doesn't call parent, see /atom/proc/Initialize


For seeing if we can actually move between 2 given turfs while accounting for our access and the caller's pass_flags



Updates adjacency infos for turfs, only use this in immediateupdateturfs.


Proc to add movable sources of opacity on the turf and let it handle lighting code.


WARNING WARNING Turfs DO NOT lose their signals when they get replaced, REMEMBER THIS It's possible because turfs are fucked, and if you have one in a list and it's replaced with another one, the list ref points to the new turf We do it because moving signals over was needlessly expensive, and bloated a very commonly used bit of code




Handles exposing a turf to reagents.


Base procs


Check whether the specified turf is blocked by something dense inside it with respect to a specific atom.

Returns truthy value TURF_BLOCKED_TURF_DENSE if the turf is blocked because the turf itself is dense. Returns truthy value TURF_BLOCKED_CONTENT_DENSE if one of the turf's contents is dense and would block a source atom's movement. Returns falsey value TURF_NOT_BLOCKED if the turf is not blocked.





Returns adjacent turfs to this turf that are reachable, in all cardinal directions



Calculate on which directions this turfs block view.


Proc to remove movable sources of opacity on the turf and let it handle lighting code.


Returns: null. Updates turf air infos, whether the turf is closed, is space or a regular turf, or even a planet turf is decided here.


Called when this turf is being washed. Washing a turf will also wash any mopable floor decals