
The limbgrower. Makes organd and limbs with synthflesh and chems. See [] for everything we can make.
Vars | |
being_built | The design we're printing currently. |
busy | If we're currently printing something. |
categories | All the categories of organs we can print. |
production_coefficient | How efficient our machine is. Better parts = less chemicals used and less power used. Range of 1 to 0.25. |
production_speed | How long it takes for us to print a limb. Affected by production_coefficient. |
selected_category | The category of limbs we're browing in our UI. |
stored_research | Our internal techweb for limbgrower designs. |
Procs | |
build_item | All the reagents we're using to make our organ. The amount of power we're going to use, based on how much reagent we use. |
create_buildpath | The limb we're making with our buildpath, so we can edit it. Returns a valid limb typepath based on the selected option |
emag_act | Emagging a limbgrower allows you to build synthetic armblades. |
Var Details

The design we're printing currently.

If we're currently printing something.

All the categories of organs we can print.

How efficient our machine is. Better parts = less chemicals used and less power used. Range of 1 to 0.25.

How long it takes for us to print a limb. Affected by production_coefficient.

The category of limbs we're browing in our UI.

Our internal techweb for limbgrower designs.
Proc Details
All the reagents we're using to make our organ. The amount of power we're going to use, based on how much reagent we use.
The limb we're making with our buildpath, so we can edit it. Returns a valid limb typepath based on the selected option
Emagging a limbgrower allows you to build synthetic armblades.