
Vars | |
active | wheter to even bother with plumbing code or not |
capacity | amount we can transfer per process. note that the ductnet can carry as much as the lowest capacity duct |
color_to_color_support | TRUE to let colors connect when forced with a wrench, false to just not do that at all |
connects | bitfield with the directions we're connected in |
drop_on_wrench | wheter we just unanchored or drop whatever is in the variable. either is safe |
duct | our ductnet, wich tracks what we're connected to |
duct_color | the color of our duct |
duct_layer | 1,2,4,8,16 |
dumb | set to TRUE to disable smart duct behaviour |
ignore_colors | TRUE to ignore colors, so yeah we also connect with other colors without issue |
lock_connects | wheter we allow our connects to be changed after initialization or not |
lock_layers | whether we allow our layers to be altered |
neighbours | track ducts we're connected to. Mainly for ducts we connect to that we normally wouldn't, like different layers and colors, for when we regenerate the ducts |
Procs | |
add_connects | add a connect direction |
add_neighbour | add a duct as neighbour. this means we're connected and will connect again if we ever regenerate |
attempt_connect | start looking around us for stuff to connect to |
can_anchor | collection of all the sanity checks to prevent us from stacking ducts that shouldnt be stacked |
connect_duct | connect to a duct |
connect_network | see if whatever we found can be connected to |
connect_plumber | connect to a plumbing object |
create_duct | create a new duct datum |
disconnect_duct | we disconnect ourself from our neighbours. we also destroy our ductnet and tell our neighbours to make a new one |
generate_connects | Special proc to draw a new connect frame based on neighbours. not the norm so we can support multiple duct kinds |
get_adjacent_ducts | get a list of the ducts we can connect to if we are dumb |
handle_layer | update the layer we are on |
lose_neighbours | remove all our neighbours, and remove us from our neighbours aswell |
reconnect | ''''''''''''''''optimized''''''''''''''''' proc for quickly reconnecting after a duct net was destroyed |
remove_connects | remove a connect direction |
reset_connects | remove our connects |
Var Details

wheter to even bother with plumbing code or not

amount we can transfer per process. note that the ductnet can carry as much as the lowest capacity duct

TRUE to let colors connect when forced with a wrench, false to just not do that at all

bitfield with the directions we're connected in

wheter we just unanchored or drop whatever is in the variable. either is safe

our ductnet, wich tracks what we're connected to

the color of our duct


set to TRUE to disable smart duct behaviour

TRUE to ignore colors, so yeah we also connect with other colors without issue

wheter we allow our connects to be changed after initialization or not

whether we allow our layers to be altered

track ducts we're connected to. Mainly for ducts we connect to that we normally wouldn't, like different layers and colors, for when we regenerate the ducts
Proc Details
add a connect direction
add a duct as neighbour. this means we're connected and will connect again if we ever regenerate
start looking around us for stuff to connect to
collection of all the sanity checks to prevent us from stacking ducts that shouldnt be stacked
connect to a duct
see if whatever we found can be connected to
connect to a plumbing object
create a new duct datum
we disconnect ourself from our neighbours. we also destroy our ductnet and tell our neighbours to make a new one
Special proc to draw a new connect frame based on neighbours. not the norm so we can support multiple duct kinds
get a list of the ducts we can connect to if we are dumb
update the layer we are on
remove all our neighbours, and remove us from our neighbours aswell
''''''''''''''''optimized''''''''''''''''' proc for quickly reconnecting after a duct net was destroyed
remove a connect direction
remove our connects