Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



assigned_transitThe transit dock assigned exclusively to this shuttle.
callTimetime spent in transit (deciseconds). Should not be lower then 10 seconds without editing the animation of the hyperspace ripples.
can_move_docking_portsif this shuttle can move docking ports other than the one it is docked at
current_shipThe linked overmap object, if there is one
docking_pointsList of all stationary docking ports that spawned on the ship roundstart, used for docking to other ships.
engine_listA list of all engines currently linked to the shuttle.
gravgen_listA list of all gravity generators currently linked to the shuttle.
ignitionTimetime spent "starting the engines". Also rate limits how often we try to reserve transit space if its ever full of transiting shuttles.
landing_soundThe landing sound to be played
launch_soundThe launch sound to be played
modecurrent shuttle mode
movement_forceWhether or not you want your ship to knock people down, and also whether it will throw them several tiles upon launching.
port_directionrelative direction of the docking port from the front of the shuttle NORTH is towards front, EAST would be starboard side, WEST port, etc.
prearrivalTimetime spent after transit 'landing' before actually arriving
preferred_directionThe direction the shuttle prefers to travel in, ie what direction the animation will cause it to appear to be traveling in
rechargeTimetime spent after arrival before being able to begin ignition
ripplesList of all the ripple effects made at this shuttle's future docking location.
shuttle_areasAll currently linked areas that will be moved when the shuttle (un)docks
shuttle_soundsDoes this shuttle play sounds upon landing and takeoff?
sound_rangeThe sound range coeff for the landing and take off sound effects
spawn_pointsList of spawn points on the ship
takeoff_soundThe take off sound to be played
timerused as a timer (if you want time left to complete move, use timeLeft proc)
turf_countThe amount of turfs the shuttle is made up of (closed and open, doesn't include lattices)


get_status_text_tguiGets shuttle location status in a form of string for tgui interfaces
initiate_dockingThis is the main proc. It instantly moves our mobile port to stationary port new_dock.
throw_exceptionBoth lists are associative with a turf:bitflag structure. (new_turfs bitflag space unused currently) The bitflag contains the data for what inhabitants of that coordinate should be moved to the new location The bitflags can be found in __DEFINES/

Var Details


The transit dock assigned exclusively to this shuttle.


time spent in transit (deciseconds). Should not be lower then 10 seconds without editing the animation of the hyperspace ripples.


if this shuttle can move docking ports other than the one it is docked at


The linked overmap object, if there is one


List of all stationary docking ports that spawned on the ship roundstart, used for docking to other ships.


A list of all engines currently linked to the shuttle.


A list of all gravity generators currently linked to the shuttle.


time spent "starting the engines". Also rate limits how often we try to reserve transit space if its ever full of transiting shuttles.


The landing sound to be played


The launch sound to be played


current shuttle mode


Whether or not you want your ship to knock people down, and also whether it will throw them several tiles upon launching.


relative direction of the docking port from the front of the shuttle NORTH is towards front, EAST would be starboard side, WEST port, etc.


time spent after transit 'landing' before actually arriving


The direction the shuttle prefers to travel in, ie what direction the animation will cause it to appear to be traveling in


time spent after arrival before being able to begin ignition


List of all the ripple effects made at this shuttle's future docking location.


All currently linked areas that will be moved when the shuttle (un)docks


Does this shuttle play sounds upon landing and takeoff?


The sound range coeff for the landing and take off sound effects


List of spawn points on the ship


The take off sound to be played


used as a timer (if you want time left to complete move, use timeLeft proc)


The amount of turfs the shuttle is made up of (closed and open, doesn't include lattices)

Proc Details


Gets shuttle location status in a form of string for tgui interfaces


This is the main proc. It instantly moves our mobile port to stationary port new_dock.


Both lists are associative with a turf:bitflag structure. (new_turfs bitflag space unused currently) The bitflag contains the data for what inhabitants of that coordinate should be moved to the new location The bitflags can be found in __DEFINES/