Procs | |
compare_to | Mob POIs are sorted by a simple priority list depending on their type. When their type priority is identical, they're sub-sorted by name. |
get_type_sort_priority | Priority list broadly stolen from /proc/sortmobs(). Lower numbers are higher priorities when sorted and appear closer to the top or start of lists. |
validate | Validation for mobs is expanded to invalidate stealthmins and /mob/dead/new_player as POIs. |
Proc Details
Mob POIs are sorted by a simple priority list depending on their type. When their type priority is identical, they're sub-sorted by name.
Priority list broadly stolen from /proc/sortmobs(). Lower numbers are higher priorities when sorted and appear closer to the top or start of lists.
Validation for mobs is expanded to invalidate stealthmins and /mob/dead/new_player as POIs.