Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



created_atomsthe list of atoms created by this template being loaded, only populated if returns_created_atoms is TRUE
returns_created_atomsif true, creates a list of all atoms created by this template loading, defaults to FALSE
should_place_on_topDefaults to TRUE. If TRUE, the baseturfs of the new turfs (ignoring baseturf_bottom and space) are added to the top of the pre-existing baseturf lists, in accordance with the behavior of PlaceOnTop. If FALSE, the old turfs are replaced entirely, including their baseturfs. Note that FALSE-case behavior is altered from the original implementation, which ignored baseturfs entirely; it was intended for holodecks, which have been removed.


loadMap templates which reach the boundaries of the world dont get reservation margin.

Var Details


the list of atoms created by this template being loaded, only populated if returns_created_atoms is TRUE


if true, creates a list of all atoms created by this template loading, defaults to FALSE


Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, the baseturfs of the new turfs (ignoring baseturf_bottom and space) are added to the top of the pre-existing baseturf lists, in accordance with the behavior of PlaceOnTop. If FALSE, the old turfs are replaced entirely, including their baseturfs. Note that FALSE-case behavior is altered from the original implementation, which ignored baseturfs entirely; it was intended for holodecks, which have been removed.

Proc Details


Map templates which reach the boundaries of the world dont get reservation margin.