Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



controlled_shipsList of all simulated ships. All ships in this list are fully initialized.
eventsList of all events
events_enabledShould events be processed
generator_typeDefines which generator to use for the overmap
outpostsList of spawned outposts. The default spawn location is the first index.
overmap_containerThe two-dimensional list that contains every single tile in the overmap as a sublist.
overmap_objectsList of all overmap objects.
overmap_vlevelThe virtual level that contains the overmap
radius_positionsMap of tiles at each radius (represented by index) around the sun
ship_spawningWhether or not a ship is currently being spawned. Used to prevent multiple ships from being spawned at once.
sizeWidth/height of the overmap "zlevel"


InitializeCreates an overmap object for shuttles, triggers initialization procs for ships
create_mapThe proc that creates all the objects on the overmap, split into seperate procs for redundancy.
get_num_cap_shipsReturns the number of ships on the overmap that count against the spawn cap.
get_overmap_object_by_locationGets the parent overmap object (e.g. the planet the atom is on) for a given atom.
get_unused_overmap_squareReturns a random, usually empty turf in the overmap
get_unused_overmap_square_in_radiusReturns a random turf in a radius from the star, or a random empty turf if OVERMAP_GENERATOR_RANDOM is the active generator.
player_ship_spawn_allowedReturns TRUE if players should be allowed to create a ship by "standard" means, and FALSE otherwise.
spawn_dynamic_encounterReserves a square dynamic encounter area, generates it, and spawns a ruin in it if one is supplied.
spawn_event_clusterSee /datum/controller/subsystem/overmap/proc/spawn_events, spawns "veins" (like ores) of events
spawn_eventsVERY Simple random generation for overmap events, spawns the event in a random turf and sometimes spreads it out similar to ores
spawn_outpostCreates a single outpost somewhere near the center of the system.
spawn_ruin_levelsCreates an overmap object for each ruin level, making them accessible.
spawn_ship_at_startSpawns a controlled ship with the passed template at the template's preferred spawn location. Intended for ship purchases, etc.

Var Details


List of all simulated ships. All ships in this list are fully initialized.


List of all events


Should events be processed


Defines which generator to use for the overmap


List of spawned outposts. The default spawn location is the first index.


The two-dimensional list that contains every single tile in the overmap as a sublist.


List of all overmap objects.


The virtual level that contains the overmap


Map of tiles at each radius (represented by index) around the sun


Whether or not a ship is currently being spawned. Used to prevent multiple ships from being spawned at once.


Width/height of the overmap "zlevel"

Proc Details


Creates an overmap object for shuttles, triggers initialization procs for ships


The proc that creates all the objects on the overmap, split into seperate procs for redundancy.


Returns the number of ships on the overmap that count against the spawn cap.


Gets the parent overmap object (e.g. the planet the atom is on) for a given atom.


Returns a random, usually empty turf in the overmap


Returns a random turf in a radius from the star, or a random empty turf if OVERMAP_GENERATOR_RANDOM is the active generator.


Returns TRUE if players should be allowed to create a ship by "standard" means, and FALSE otherwise.


Reserves a square dynamic encounter area, generates it, and spawns a ruin in it if one is supplied.


See /datum/controller/subsystem/overmap/proc/spawn_events, spawns "veins" (like ores) of events


VERY Simple random generation for overmap events, spawns the event in a random turf and sometimes spreads it out similar to ores


Creates a single outpost somewhere near the center of the system.


Creates an overmap object for each ruin level, making them accessible.


Spawns a controlled ship with the passed template at the template's preferred spawn location. Intended for ship purchases, etc.