Vars | |
GPS_list | Global GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference. |
acid_overlay | ACID |
active_jammers | List of active radio jammers |
admin_debug_state | tgui state: admin_debug_state |
admin_state | tgui state: admin_state |
airlocks | List of all airlocks |
alarmdisplay | List of all machines or programs that can display station alerts |
alert_consoles | List of Station alert consoles, /obj/machinery/computer/station_alert |
always_state | tgui state: always_state |
apcs_list | List of all Area Power Controller machines, separate from machines for powernet speeeeeeed. |
areas_by_type | An association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique set. |
cable_list | Index for all cables, so that powernets don't have to look through the entire world all the time |
chemical_reactions_list | List of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums. Used during chemical reactions |
chemical_reagents_list | List of all /datum/reagent datums indexed by reagent id. Used by chemistry stuff |
client_verbs_required | Bare minimum required verbs for client functionality |
conscious_state | tgui state: conscious_state |
contained_state | tgui state: contained_state |
crafting_recipes | List of all table craft recipes |
deep_inventory_state | tgui state: deep_inventory_state |
default_state | tgui state: default_state |
deliverybeacons | List of all MULEbot delivery beacons. |
deliverybeacontags | List of all tags associated with delivery beacons. |
dummySave | Save file used in icon2base64. Used for converting icons to base64. |
editable_sign_types | This is a global list of all signs you can change an existing sign or new sign backing to, when using a pen on them. |
em_block_color | A globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access. |
em_mask_matrix | A globaly cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access. |
emissive_color | A globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access. |
fax_machines | List of all fax machines |
fishing_property_cache | Cached fish list properties so we don't have to initalize fish every time, init deffered |
gateway_destinations | List of possible gateway destinations. |
glide_size_multiplier | Compensating for time dialation |
hands_state | tgui state: hands_state |
high_priority_sentience | Should point to a central mapzone.weather_controller, one doesn't exist in shiptest |
human_adjacent_state | tgui state: human_adjacent_state |
inventory_state | tgui state: inventory_state |
language_menu_state | tgui state: language_menu_state |
machines | NOTE: this is a list of ALL machines now. The processing machines list is SSmachine.processing! |
marker_beacon_colors | Marker Beacons |
materials_list | List of all /datum/material datums indexed by material id. |
mechas_list | List of all mechs. Used by hostile mobs target tracking. |
meteor_list | List of all meteors. |
mob_spawners | List of All mob_spawn objects |
mod_themes | Global list of all /datum/mod_theme |
narcd_underages | underages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam |
navbeacons | List of all bot nagivation beacons, used for patrolling. |
new_player_state | tgui state: new_player_state |
not_incapacitated_state | tgui state: not_incapacitated_state |
not_incapacitated_turf_state | tgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state |
notcontained_state | tgui state: notcontained_state |
nuke_list | List of all navigation beacons used by wayfinding pinpointers |
observer_state | tgui state: observer_state |
physical_obscured_state | tgui state: physical_obscured_state |
physical_state | tgui state: physical_state |
picture_log_directory | Picture logging |
pinpointer_list | List of all pinpointers. Used to change stuff they are pointing to all at once. |
poll_options | All poll option datums of running polls |
polls | All currently running polls held as datums |
portals | list of all /obj/effect/portal |
preset_fish_sources | Keyed list of preset sources to configuration instance |
rcd_list | List of Rapid Construction Devices. |
req_console_assistance | Requests Console |
ruin_hazards | List of all ruin_hazards (obj/structure/hazard), used for ID toggles. |
self_state | tgui state: self_state |
singularities | List of all singularities (actually technically all engines) |
surgeries_list | List of all surgeries by name, associated with their path. |
tech_list | List of all /datum/tech datums indexed by id. |
teleportbeacons | List of all tracking beacons used by teleporters |
teleportlocs | A list of teleport locations |
the_gateway | Station home gateway |
tracked_chem_implants | List of implants the prisoner console can track and send inject commands too |
tracked_implants | List of all current implants that are tracked to work out what sort of trek everyone is on. |
trait_name_map | value -> trait name, generated on use from trait_by_type global |
wayfindingbeacons | List of all navigation beacons used by wayfinding pinpointers |
z_state | tgui state: z_state |
zombie_infection_list | List of all zombie_infection organs, for any mass "animation" |
Var Details
Global GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference.
List of active radio jammers
tgui state: admin_debug_state
Checks that the user has either R_ADMIN or R_DEBUG, this is nonsense related to the fact that R_ADMIN is bloated to shit.
tgui state: admin_state
Checks that the user has R_ADMIN, end-of-story.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
List of all airlocks
List of all machines or programs that can display station alerts
List of Station alert consoles, /obj/machinery/computer/station_alert
tgui state: always_state
Always grants the user UI_INTERACTIVE. Period.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
List of all Area Power Controller machines, separate from machines for powernet speeeeeeed.
An association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique
Index for all cables, so that powernets don't have to look through the entire world all the time
List of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums. Used during chemical reactions
List of all /datum/reagent datums indexed by reagent id. Used by chemistry stuff
Bare minimum required verbs for client functionality
tgui state: conscious_state
Only checks if the user is conscious.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
tgui state: contained_state
Checks that the user is inside the src_object.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
List of all table craft recipes
tgui state: deep_inventory_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's deep (backpack, box, toolbox, etc) inventory.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
tgui state: default_state
Checks a number of things -- mostly physical distance for humans and view for robots.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
List of all MULEbot delivery beacons.
List of all tags associated with delivery beacons.
Save file used in icon2base64. Used for converting icons to base64.
This is a global list of all signs you can change an existing sign or new sign backing to, when using a pen on them.
A globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access.
A globaly cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access.
A globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access.
List of all fax machines
Cached fish list properties so we don't have to initalize fish every time, init deffered
List of possible gateway destinations.
Compensating for time dialation
tgui state: hands_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's hands.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Should point to a central mapzone.weather_controller, one doesn't exist in shiptest
tgui state: human_adjacent_state
In addition to default checks, only allows interaction for a human adjacent user.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
tgui state: inventory_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's top-level (hand, ear, pocket, belt, etc) inventory.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
tgui state: language_menu_state
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
NOTE: this is a list of ALL machines now. The processing machines list is SSmachine.processing!
Marker Beacons
List of all /datum/material datums indexed by material id.
List of all mechs. Used by hostile mobs target tracking.
List of all meteors.
List of All mob_spawn objects
Global list of all /datum/mod_theme
underages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam
List of all bot nagivation beacons, used for patrolling.
tgui state: new_player_state
Checks that the user is a new_player, or if user is an admin
tgui state: not_incapacitated_state
Checks that the user isn't incapacitated
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
tgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state
Checks that the user isn't incapacitated and that their loc is a turf
tgui state: notcontained_state
Checks that the user is not inside src_object, and then makes the default checks.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
List of all navigation beacons used by wayfinding pinpointers
tgui state: observer_state
Checks that the user is an observer/ghost.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
tgui state: physical_obscured_state
Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance, being in view doesn't matter
tgui state: physical_state
Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Picture logging
List of all pinpointers. Used to change stuff they are pointing to all at once.
All poll option datums of running polls
All currently running polls held as datums
list of all /obj/effect/portal
Keyed list of preset sources to configuration instance
List of Rapid Construction Devices.
Requests Console
Originally written by errorage, updated by: Carn, needs more work though. I just added some security fixes
List of all ruin_hazards (obj/structure/hazard), used for ID toggles.
tgui state: self_state
Only checks that the user and src_object are the same.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
List of all singularities (actually technically all engines)
List of all surgeries by name, associated with their path.
List of all /datum/tech datums indexed by id.
List of all tracking beacons used by teleporters
A list of teleport locations
Adding a wizard area teleport list because motherfucking lag -- Urist I am far too lazy to make it a proper list of areas so I'll just make it run the usual telepot routine at the start of the game
Station home gateway
List of implants the prisoner console can track and send inject commands too
List of all current implants that are tracked to work out what sort of trek everyone is on.
value -> trait name, generated on use from trait_by_type global
List of all navigation beacons used by wayfinding pinpointers
tgui state: z_state
Only checks that the Z-level of the user and src_object are the same.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
List of all zombie_infection organs, for any mass "animation"