Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



availability_probProbability for this item to be available. Used by SSblackmarket on init.
availableWhether the item is visible and purchasable on the market
categoryThe category this item belongs to, should be already declared in the market that this item is accessible in.
descDescription for the item entry used in the uplink.
itemPath to or the item itself what this entry is for, this should be set even if you override spawn_item to spawn your item.
markets"/datum/blackmarket_market"s that this item should be in, used by SSblackmarket on init.
nameName for the item entry used in the uplink.
pair_itemShould another item spawn alongside this one in the catalogue?
pricePrice for the item, if not set creates a price according to the *_min and *_max vars.
price_maxMaximum price for the item if generated randomly.
price_minMinimum price for the item if generated randomly.
spawn_weightingIf this item is affected by avalibility weight. For items that shouldnt appear on their own (paired items), should always appear, or items paticularly rare or powerful that we dont want showing up too often
stockHow many of this type of item is available, if not set creates a price according to the *_min and *_max vars.
stock_maxMaximum amount that there should be of this item in the market if generated randomly.
stock_minMinimum amount that there should be of this item in the market if generated randomly. This defaults to 1 as most items will have it as 1.
weightIf this item should be more or less likely to spawn than usual. Positive is more likely, negative is less


buyBuys the item and makes SSblackmarket handle it.
spawn_itemUsed for spawning the wanted item, override if you need to do something special with the item.

Var Details


Probability for this item to be available. Used by SSblackmarket on init.


Whether the item is visible and purchasable on the market


The category this item belongs to, should be already declared in the market that this item is accessible in.


Description for the item entry used in the uplink.


Path to or the item itself what this entry is for, this should be set even if you override spawn_item to spawn your item.


"/datum/blackmarket_market"s that this item should be in, used by SSblackmarket on init.


Name for the item entry used in the uplink.


Should another item spawn alongside this one in the catalogue?


Price for the item, if not set creates a price according to the *_min and *_max vars.


Maximum price for the item if generated randomly.


Minimum price for the item if generated randomly.


If this item is affected by avalibility weight. For items that shouldnt appear on their own (paired items), should always appear, or items paticularly rare or powerful that we dont want showing up too often


How many of this type of item is available, if not set creates a price according to the *_min and *_max vars.


Maximum amount that there should be of this item in the market if generated randomly.


Minimum amount that there should be of this item in the market if generated randomly. This defaults to 1 as most items will have it as 1.


If this item should be more or less likely to spawn than usual. Positive is more likely, negative is less

Proc Details


Buys the item and makes SSblackmarket handle it.


Used for spawning the wanted item, override if you need to do something special with the item.