
/datum/plant_gene/trait/squash | Allows the plant to be squashed when thrown or slipped on, leaving a colored mess and trash type item behind. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/maxchem | A plant trait that causes the plant's capacity to double. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/repeated_harvest | Allows a plant to be harvested multiple times. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/smoke | Explodes into reagent-filled smoke when squashed. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/fire_resistance | Makes the plant and its seeds fireproof. From lavaland plants. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/invasive | Invasive spreading lets the plant jump to other trays, and the spreading plant won't replace plants of the same type. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/sticky | Makes the plant embed on thrown impact. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/plant_type | Plant type traits. Incompatible with one another. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/plant_type/weed_hardy | Weeds don't get annoyed by weeds in their tray. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/plant_type/fungal_metabolism | Mushrooms need less light and have a minimum yield. |
/datum/plant_gene/trait/plant_type/alien_properties | Currently unused and does nothing. Appears in strange seeds. |