Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


RDCONSOLE_UI_MODE_NORMALDefines for the R&D console, see: [/modules/research/rdconsole][rdconsole]
RDSCREEN_TEXT_NO_PROTOLATHESanity check defines for when these devices aren't connected or no disk is inserted
RESEARCH_FABRICATOR_SCREEN_MAINDefines for the Protolathe screens, see: [/modules/research/machinery/protolathe][Protolathe]
DEPARTMENTAL_FLAG_BALLISTICSDepartment flags for techwebs. Defines which department can print what from each protolathe so Cargo can't print guns, etc.
DESIGN_ID_IGNOREFor instances where we don't want a design showing up due to it being for debug/sanity purposes
TECHWEB_POINT_TYPE_GENERICTechweb names for new point types. Can be used to define specific point values for specific types of research (science, security, engineering, etc.)
TECHWEB_POINT_TYPE_LIST_ASSOCIATIVE_NAMESAssociative names for techweb point values, see: [/modules/research/techweb/all_nodes][all_nodes]
SLIME_RESEARCH_TIER_0Research point values for slime extracts, see the R&D console's attackby code
PLANT_RESEARCH_TIER_0Research point values for plant discoveries

Define Details


Department flags for techwebs. Defines which department can print what from each protolathe so Cargo can't print guns, etc.


For instances where we don't want a design showing up due to it being for debug/sanity purposes


Research point values for plant discoveries


Defines for the R&D console, see: [/modules/research/rdconsole][rdconsole]


Sanity check defines for when these devices aren't connected or no disk is inserted


Defines for the Protolathe screens, see: [/modules/research/machinery/protolathe][Protolathe]


Research point values for slime extracts, see the R&D console's attackby code


Techweb names for new point types. Can be used to define specific point values for specific types of research (science, security, engineering, etc.)


Associative names for techweb point values, see: [/modules/research/techweb/all_nodes][all_nodes]