Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


BLOODCRAWLbloodcrawling, see: [/mob/living/var/bloodcrawl]
BLOODCRAWL_EATcrawling+mob devour
SHOCK_NOGLOVESFlags used by the flags parameter of electrocute act. Makes it so that the shock doesn't take gloves into account.
SHOCK_TESLAUsed when the shock is from a tesla bolt.
SHOCK_ILLUSIONUsed when an illusion shocks something. Makes the shock deal stamina damage and not trigger certain secondary effects.
SHOCK_NOSTUNThe shock doesn't stun.
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_BASICnormal movement, see: /mob/living/var/incorporeal_move
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_SHADOWleaves a trail of shadows
INCORPOREAL_MOVE_JAUNTis blocked by holy water/salt
ALCOHOL_THRESHOLD_MODIFIERGreater numbers mean that less alcohol has greater intoxication potential
ALCOHOL_RATEThe rate at which alcohol affects you
ALCOHOL_EXPONENTThe exponent applied to boozepwr to make higher volume alcohol at least a little bit damaging to the liver
EXAMINE_MORE_TIMEIf you examine the same atom twice in this timeframe, we call examine_more() instead of examine()
EYE_CONTACT_RANGEHow far away you can be to make eye contact with someone while examining
CAN_SUCCUMBReturns whether or not the given mob can succumb
STANDING_UPMob is standing up, usually associated with lying_angle value of 0.
LYING_DOWNMob is lying down, usually associated with lying_angle values of 90 or 270.
PIXEL_Y_OFFSET_LYINGHow much a mob's sprite should be moved when they're lying down
BREATH_OXYBreathing types. Lungs can access either by these or by a string, which will be considered a gas ID.
THROW_MODE_DISABLEDThrow modes, defines whether or not to turn off throw mode after
NO_REPLACEIn dynamic human icon gen we don't replace the held item.

Define Details


The exponent applied to boozepwr to make higher volume alcohol at least a little bit damaging to the liver


The rate at which alcohol affects you


Greater numbers mean that less alcohol has greater intoxication potential


bloodcrawling, see: [/mob/living/var/bloodcrawl]


crawling+mob devour


Breathing types. Lungs can access either by these or by a string, which will be considered a gas ID.


Returns whether or not the given mob can succumb


If you examine the same atom twice in this timeframe, we call examine_more() instead of examine()


How far away you can be to make eye contact with someone while examining


normal movement, see: /mob/living/var/incorporeal_move


is blocked by holy water/salt


leaves a trail of shadows


Mob is lying down, usually associated with lying_angle values of 90 or 270.


In dynamic human icon gen we don't replace the held item.


How much a mob's sprite should be moved when they're lying down


Used when an illusion shocks something. Makes the shock deal stamina damage and not trigger certain secondary effects.


Flags used by the flags parameter of electrocute act. Makes it so that the shock doesn't take gloves into account.


The shock doesn't stun.


Used when the shock is from a tesla bolt.


Mob is standing up, usually associated with lying_angle value of 0.


Throw modes, defines whether or not to turn off throw mode after