Shiptest 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


AREA_USAGE_DYNAMIC_STARTIndex of the first dynamic usage channel
AREA_USAGE_DYNAMIC_ENDIndex of the last dynamic usage channel
AREA_USAGE_STATIC_STARTIndex of the first static usage channel
AREA_USAGE_STATIC_ENDIndex of the last static usage channel
START_PROCESSING_ON_INITBitflags for a machine's preferences on when it should start processing. For use with machinery's processing_flags var. Indicates the machine will automatically start processing right after it's Initialize() is ran.
START_PROCESSING_MANUALLYMachines with this flag will not start processing when it's spawned. Use this if you want to manually control when a machine starts processing.
PLANT_GENE_REMOVABLE-- Flags for genes -- Plant genes that can be removed via gene shears.
PLANT_GENE_MUTATABLEPlant genes that can be mutated randomly in strange seeds / due to high instability.
TRAIT_HALVES_YIELD-- Flags for traits. -- Caps the plant's yield at 5 instead of 10.
CLICKSOUND_INTERVALclicky noises, how much time needed in between clicks on the machine for the sound to play on click again.
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_DANGEROUS_ONLYONLY shoots at mobs who match the rest of the flags and have weaponry/are otherwise dangerous
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_RETALIATEWill shoot at things that shoot at it
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_FAUNAWill shoot at things that aren't human
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_HUMANSWill shoot at humans
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_SILICONSWill shoot at silicons
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_ALLMOBSWill shoot at any kind of mob
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_NONFACTIONWill only shoot at things that AREN'T in the turret's set faction
TURRET_FLAG_SHOOT_SPECIFIC_FACTIONWill only shoot at things that ARE in the turret's set faction
TURRET_FLAG_DEFAULTWill totally ignore targets' factions - the same as not setting the above two flags

Define Details


Index of the last dynamic usage channel


Index of the first dynamic usage channel


Index of the last static usage channel


Index of the first static usage channel


clicky noises, how much time needed in between clicks on the machine for the sound to play on click again.


Plant genes that can be mutated randomly in strange seeds / due to high instability.


-- Flags for genes -- Plant genes that can be removed via gene shears.


Machines with this flag will not start processing when it's spawned. Use this if you want to manually control when a machine starts processing.


Bitflags for a machine's preferences on when it should start processing. For use with machinery's processing_flags var. Indicates the machine will automatically start processing right after it's Initialize() is ran.


-- Flags for traits. -- Caps the plant's yield at 5 instead of 10.


Will totally ignore targets' factions - the same as not setting the above two flags


Will shoot at any kind of mob


ONLY shoots at mobs who match the rest of the flags and have weaponry/are otherwise dangerous


Will shoot at things that aren't human


Will shoot at humans


Will only shoot at things that AREN'T in the turret's set faction


Will shoot at things that shoot at it


Will shoot at silicons


Will only shoot at things that ARE in the turret's set faction