COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_SELECTED | Called when a module is selected to be the active one from on_select(obj/item/mod/module/module) |
COMSIG_MOD_ACTIVATE | Called when a MOD activation is called from toggle_activate(mob/user) |
MOD_CANCEL_ACTIVATE | Cancels the suit's activation |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_REMOVAL | Called when a MOD is having modules removed from crowbar_act(mob/user, obj/crowbar) |
MOD_CANCEL_REMOVAL | Cancels the removal of modules |
COMSIG_MODULE_TRIGGERED | Called when a module attempts to activate, however it does. At the end of checks so you can add some yourself, or work on trigger behavior (mob/user) |
COMSIG_MODULE_ACTIVATED | Called when a module activates, after all checks have passed and cooldown started. |
COMSIG_MODULE_DEACTIVATED | Called when a module deactivates, after all checks have passed. |
COMSIG_MODULE_USED | Called when a module is used, after all checks have passed and cooldown started. |
COMSIG_MOD_WEARER_SET | Called when the MODsuit wearer is set. |
COMSIG_MOD_WEARER_UNSET | Called when the MODsuit wearer is unset. |
Define Details
Called when a module activates, after all checks have passed and cooldown started.
Called when a module deactivates, after all checks have passed.
Called when a module attempts to activate, however it does. At the end of checks so you can add some yourself, or work on trigger behavior (mob/user)
Called when a module is used, after all checks have passed and cooldown started.
Called when a MOD activation is called from toggle_activate(mob/user)
Called when a MOD is having modules removed from crowbar_act(mob/user, obj/crowbar)
Called when a module is selected to be the active one from on_select(obj/item/mod/module/module)
Called when the MODsuit wearer is set.
Called when the MODsuit wearer is unset.
Cancels the suit's activation
Cancels the removal of modules