
COMSIG_LIVING_CHANGENEXT_MOVE | from base of /mob/living/changeNext_Move() (next_move) |
COMSIG_CARBON_PRE_HELP_ACT | Called from /mob/living/carbon/help_shake_act, before any hugs have ocurred. (mob/living/helper) |
COMPONENT_BLOCK_HELP_ACT | Stops the rest of help act (hugging, etc) from occuring |
COMSIG_CARBON_HELP_ACT | Called from /mob/living/carbon/help_shake_act on the person being helped, after any hugs have ocurred. (mob/living/helper) |
COMSIG_CARBON_HELPED | Called from /mob/living/carbon/help_shake_act on the helper, after any hugs have ocurred. (mob/living/helped) |
COMSIG_CARBON_DISARM_PRESHOVE | Before a carbon mob is shoved, sent to the turf we're trying to shove onto (mob/living/carbon/shover, mob/living/carbon/target) |
COMSIG_CARBON_DISARM_COLLIDE | When a carbon mob is disarmed, this is sent to the turf we're trying to shove onto (mob/living/carbon/shover, mob/living/carbon/target, shove_blocked) |
COMSIG_CARBON_ATTACH_LIMB | from base of /obj/item/bodypart/proc/attach_limb(): (new_limb, special) allows you to fail limb attachment |
COMSIG_CARBON_CUFF_ATTEMPTED | Called when someone attempts to cuff a carbon |
COMSIG_CARBON_GAIN_MUTATION | Called when a carbon mutates (source = dna, mutation = mutation added) |
COMSIG_CARBON_LOSE_MUTATION | Called when a carbon loses a mutation (source = dna, mutation = mutation lose) |
COMSIG_CARBON_GAIN_ADDICTION | Called when a carbon becomes addicted (source = what addiction datum, addicted_mind = mind of the addicted carbon) |
COMSIG_CARBON_LOSE_ADDICTION | Called when a carbon is no longer addicted (source = what addiction datum was lost, addicted_mind = mind of the freed carbon) |
COMSIG_CARBON_GAIN_TRAUMA | Called when a carbon gets a brain trauma (source = carbon, trauma = what trauma was added) - this is before on_gain() |
COMSIG_CARBON_LOSE_TRAUMA | Called when a carbon loses a brain trauma (source = carbon, trauma = what trauma was removed) |
COMSIG_CARBON_HEALTH_UPDATE | Called when a carbon updates their health (source = carbon) |
COMSIG_CARBON_SANITY_UPDATE | Called when a carbon updates their sanity (source = carbon) |
COMSIG_CARBON_PRE_BREATHE | Called when a carbon breathes, before the breath has actually occured |
COMSIG_CARBON_MOOD_UPDATE | Called when a carbon updates their mood |
COMSIG_HUMAN_DISARM_HIT | Hit by successful disarm attack (mob/living/carbon/human/attacker,zone_targeted) |
COMSIG_JOB_RECEIVED | Whenever EquipRanked is called, called after job is set |
COMSIG_HUMAN_CORETEMP_CHANGE | from /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/set_coretemperature(): (oldvalue, newvalue) |
COMSIG_HUMAN_BURNING | from /datum/species/handle_fire. Called when the human is set on fire and burning clothes and stuff |
COMSIG_HUMAN_EARLY_UNARMED_ATTACK | from mob/living/carbon/human/UnarmedAttack(): (atom/target, proximity, modifiers) |
COMSIG_HUMAN_MELEE_UNARMED_ATTACK | from mob/living/carbon/human/UnarmedAttack(): (atom/target, proximity, modifiers) |
COMSIG_HUMAN_MONKEYIZE | Called when a human turns into a monkey, from /mob/living/carbon/proc/finish_monkeyize() |
COMSIG_MONKEY_HUMANIZE | Called when a monkey turns into a human, from /mob/living/carbon/proc/finish_humanize(species) |
COMSIG_HUMAN_SUICIDE_ACT | From mob/living/carbon/human/suicide() |
COMSIG_MOB_EQUIPPED_ITEM | A mob has just equipped an item. Called on /mob from base of /obj/item/equipped(): (/obj/item/equipped_item, slot) |
COMSIG_MOB_UNEQUIPPED_ITEM | A mob has just unequipped an item. |
Define Details
Stops the rest of help act (hugging, etc) from occuring
from base of /obj/item/bodypart/proc/attach_limb(): (new_limb, special) allows you to fail limb attachment
Called when someone attempts to cuff a carbon
When a carbon mob is disarmed, this is sent to the turf we're trying to shove onto (mob/living/carbon/shover, mob/living/carbon/target, shove_blocked)
Before a carbon mob is shoved, sent to the turf we're trying to shove onto (mob/living/carbon/shover, mob/living/carbon/target)
Called when a carbon becomes addicted (source = what addiction datum, addicted_mind = mind of the addicted carbon)
Called when a carbon mutates (source = dna, mutation = mutation added)
Called when a carbon gets a brain trauma (source = carbon, trauma = what trauma was added) - this is before on_gain()
Called when a carbon updates their health (source = carbon)
Called from /mob/living/carbon/help_shake_act on the helper, after any hugs have ocurred. (mob/living/helped)
Called from /mob/living/carbon/help_shake_act on the person being helped, after any hugs have ocurred. (mob/living/helper)
Called when a carbon is no longer addicted (source = what addiction datum was lost, addicted_mind = mind of the freed carbon)
Called when a carbon loses a mutation (source = dna, mutation = mutation lose)
Called when a carbon loses a brain trauma (source = carbon, trauma = what trauma was removed)
Called when a carbon updates their mood
Called when a carbon breathes, before the breath has actually occured
Called from /mob/living/carbon/help_shake_act, before any hugs have ocurred. (mob/living/helper)
Called when a carbon updates their sanity (source = carbon)
from /datum/species/handle_fire. Called when the human is set on fire and burning clothes and stuff
from /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/set_coretemperature(): (oldvalue, newvalue)
Hit by successful disarm attack (mob/living/carbon/human/attacker,zone_targeted)
from mob/living/carbon/human/UnarmedAttack(): (atom/target, proximity, modifiers)
from mob/living/carbon/human/UnarmedAttack(): (atom/target, proximity, modifiers)
Called when a human turns into a monkey, from /mob/living/carbon/proc/finish_monkeyize()
From mob/living/carbon/human/suicide()
Whenever EquipRanked is called, called after job is set
from base of /mob/living/changeNext_Move() (next_move)
A mob has just equipped an item. Called on /mob from base of /obj/item/equipped(): (/obj/item/equipped_item, slot)
A mob has just unequipped an item.
Called when a monkey turns into a human, from /mob/living/carbon/proc/finish_humanize(species)